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Infopoint tags

3D Virtual Tours enrich the interactive experience, integrating within it the mapping of Tag Infopoints for easy consultation, with links to eCommerce, websites, videos, photos, documents, descriptions, information, and any data you need to communicate to your customer/user.

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Virtual Measurement

Processes advanced Artificial Intelligence allow from any device (PC, smartphone, tablet) to accurately measure any element within the 3D Virtual Tour.

Rooms, walls, doors, furnishing elements and every object present in the space.

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3D floor plan
The integrated 3D planimetry is interactive and can be rotated along any axis to offer the customer/user a clear vision of the spaces from any perspective. 

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Google integration
Integration with the Google system, opening up endless opportunities for organic visibility of your brand. 
Google's algorithms reward multimedia content, positioning those who use this technology among the top SEO results in search engines.


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Website and eCommerce integration
Integration on websites or eCommerce to inform, communicate and sell products/services in an effective and innovative way.

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Social Network Sharing
Sharing of the 3D Virtual Tour on all social network platforms to increase popularity, inform, retain "old" customers and acquire new ones. 

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VR headset connection
Ready to connect VR viewers with the 3D Virtual Tour model, to experience the interactive experience at a next realistic level.

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2D photo shoot
Export from the Virtual Tour 3D of 2D images of very high resolution 4K, 134 megapixels to be usedre for web sharing and publishing or offline promotional activities.


Logo e musica
Per rendere il tour ancora più esclusivo, inseriamo il logo personale dell'azienda e la musica in sottofondo!


Video con contenuti personalizzati

Se avete dei video che raccontano la vostra storia,
possiamo inserirli nel tour virtuale come proiezione su schermi,

televisori, ecc.


Infotag personalizzato

Abbiamo aumentato la qualità dei tag, rendendoli molto più esclusivi e più facili da usare rispetto ad un normale tag;

un esempio è la preview di un pdf o l'immagine personalizzata del tag stesso!


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